NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: Hey, it's Danesia! When I wrote up this About page in June 2023, I was brimming with passion and I fully intended to land a web developer internship; however, perhaps it wasn't meant to be - at least not at that time.

I've since ended up moving out of Kingston due to financial difficulties and struggling with unemployment, and I've been attending community college since September of 2023 - studying for a degree completely unrelated to tech. It's now July 2024 as I'm adding this note, and I've only been able to code again because I'm on summer break; otherwise, I never have any time or energy because of school work or other life-related stressors.

But this isn't to be all negative! I just wanted to note that a lot of things have happened in recent months - years even - and I've lost a lot of hope and confidence. At the moment, I still love coding and all my other techy-artsy interests... but I'm trying to focus on having fun this time, instead of TRYING to get a job. I hope you enjoy following my work from here on out as well 🤍

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Danesia! I was born in 1998 in the Caribbean island of Jamaica - where I was raised for my entire life.

I've loved using computers ever since I was introduced to the world of video games for PC. That was back in my elementary school days and, at the time, I never imagined that there were careers that involved extensive use of these cool machines! Unfortunately, even when I did learn about such careers, I was too uncertain and unconfident to pursue any of them.

After many, many years of confusion, I finally realised that I had a love for user-friendly design and visual aesthetic (that is, the idea of making things that people find helpful and beautiful!)

While I could apply these passions in multiple ways, I decided to fuse them with my love for computers and digital content. Now I'm learning how to be a Software Designer and Developer! :)

What do I code?

My current focus is Front-End Development, but I plan to also learn a couple Back-End technologies once my front-end skills are more polished. I'm also interested in learning Mobile App Development in the future!

My Technology Stack

Tool Experience
HTML5 Intermediate
CSS3 Intermediate
JavaScript (ES6) Intermediate
Node.js Beginner
Git Bash / Hyper Beginner

My Goals as a Developer

As a Software Developer, I want to:

  1. Design user-friendly websites and interfaces that take both aesthetic AND accessibility into consideration

  2. Help under-developed countries (like Jamaica) to improve their digital offerings

  3. Explore and develop my creativity by trying out different designs and ideas