Changelog for LP01 (Layout Project #1)

  • Static: The layout is done, but with little to no interactive features.
  • Alpha: The layout is done and interactive features have been added, but bugs need to be ironed out
  • Stable: Both the layout and interactivity are finalised to a useable state

🔜 Next Release Pending. . .

📑 Release v1.0 (static) - May 9, 2023

I hope to take this project a bit further by making it more interactive - like a complete desktop simulation! For now though, I just focused on making it visually stable so that I could publish it in a decent state (this would be my first GitHub commit for The Layout Project).

  • Finalised the layout design, for now!
  • Added limited interactive features (hover effects for desktop shortcuts)
  • Programmed the clock widget to update in real-time - based on the browser's date and time