Hi, I'm Danesia and I like to DESIGN stuff!

Graphic Designer? UX Professional? Front-End Developer dabbling in server-side technologies?? Minecraft Housing Architect!?!? To be honest... I'm still figuring it out! For all we know, I'm a unicorn! 🦄

What I can say for sure is that I enjoy bringing together the worlds of Arts and Technology. What I lack in skill, I make up for in excellent work ethic and creative vision! Also many hours of online tutorials and much trial and error...

Activity Log

Here's what I've been up to! [Last updated: July 28, 2024]

Starting a freelance career in graphic design
Getting back into web design/development (AGAIN)
Improving illustration and general visual art skills
Attending community college (unrelated to my passions at the moment)

Check out my blog for more ⟶ Coming Soon!